dx:400::arts _ re search ___

Thursday, December 14, 2006

For some reason, I had so hard time solidifying my ideas for this assignment (#4).
I should just jot some of my ideas down because of the time restraint now.

Based on someone's story (that I'm sure I had (anyone had) the same experience or an experience something like this

When I was little and was living in Korea, there were lots of dragonfly during summer and autumn.
I would capture a dragonfly sometimes for fun, sometimes for science homework.
And I would put it into the small bug cage that I could easily get from stores around the neighborhood.

When the dragonfly in the cage learnt that the cage door was closed and it could not escape, it settled in the cage.
Even though I opened the cage door it did not move and did not try to fly out--as if it forgot that it could fly but was captured.
It took dragonfly a long time to actually realize that it was free and it could fly out from a cage.

Somebody/something must interact with one to let one to realize what that somebody/something is. Some kind of output must communicate with one; that some output needs to act as a signal that creates powerful motive to move one from one paradigm into another. The output should tell something and create a shock to one so one can break the boundary. One can think that it is comfortable in the cage. There's food and place to sleep. One knows what is around in the cage and one is familiar to it. One should not settle in one's comfort zone cause in reality it is never comfortable there.
For one to see this, one must take some sacrifice of oneself.

In the cage, one is ignorant and senseless. How does one manage oneself to do this on-going activity of breaking out from the cage? Is one afraid to be free? Is one just doesn't care? Is the freedom not appealing and attractive to one? What is freedom? Does one see the cage? Does one see the cage and just choose to settle in the cage because there is food? Is the freedom really going to comfort one? what is a ultimate freedom? to what end does one want to carry oneself out?

installation art_: short video clip projected (3rd person, omniscient, dragonfly point of view) a room decorated like a cage, wing flapping sound trying to escape, dark room at first, when the door (screen) is open ,light turned on.

_(:) wrote on Dec. 1 edited on Dec. 14

Thursday, December 07, 2006

"Romanticism and modern art are one and the same thing, in other words: intimacy [and] yearning for the infinite... romanticism is a child of the North... dreams and fairytales are children of the mist...The North, is suffering and anxiety, takes comfort in imagination."


Friday, December 01, 2006

For some reason, I had so hard time solidifying my ideas for this assignment (#4).
I should just jot some of my ideas down because of the time restraint now.


When I was little and was living in Korea, there were lots of dragonfly during summer and autumn.
I would capture a dragonfly sometimes for fun, sometimes for science homework.
And I would put it into the small bug cage that I could easily get from stores around the neighborhood.

When the dragonfly in the cage learn that the cage door is closed and it could not escape, it settles in the cage.
Even though I open the cage door it would not move and would not try to fly out--as if it forgot that it could fly but was captured.
It would take for dragonfly long time to actually realize that it was free and it could fly out from cage.

Somebody/something must interact with one. Some kind of output must communicate with one; that some output needs to act as a signal that creates powerful motive to move one from one paradigm into another. The output should tell something and create a shock to one so one can break the boundary. One should not settle in one's comfort zone cause in reality it is never comfort there.
For one to see this take some sacrifice of oneself.

I want to convey this idea above: the ignorance, empty comfort that somehow sad, feeling of lost in darkness, not knowing what to expect of the future, uncertainty, confusion, and the activity of breaking out from limited cage that is filled with unlimited fear.