dx:400::arts _ re search ___

Thursday, October 05, 2006

I would like to combine the idea of optical illusion--the images that our eyes naturally create--and virtual reality.
Creating video work that causes optical illusion to audience's eyes would lead to the interrelationship of physical, imaginary, real, and illusional beings.

The work also depicts the concept of body, senses, art, and experience. Every person participates art with his/her own senses. One can enjoy the art that his/her own body creates.
When this is achieved, I would like to broaden the idea of reality, illusion, and imagination, and add audio into the project to create auditory hallucination and also add something with touching so the audience can experience their sense of touch and its illusion.

My aiming goal for this work would be exploring and questioning the reality and the limitation and the possibility of what we call "real".


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