dx:400::arts _ re search ___

Thursday, October 26, 2006

old computers--my friend tried to see if there was anything useful that he can use/sell/etc.
he broke(?) computers apart--since I'm not a mechanic, seemed to me, a whole bunch of mass/confusion/etc.--but couldn't find anything because they were too old.
He threw away all these computer junks.
I brought one of the inside stuff looks like the picture. --just cause... I didn't know for sure but it might be useful. I could create something from it.

this digi stuff is dead.
it's funny how everything that seems physically "living/moving/acting" always has the "end"; but what seems conceptual/not there has longer "lifetime"(?) of some sort.

it was this that made me imagine the idea of "digital garden".

I put a bunch of digi deads into the garden or rather set up/plan/design the garden by putting them into specific place.
not only the dead digis but the living digis also in the garden. some projectors are projecting images with different colors, light, contrast, "today's featured movies" are projected on a big screen, artificial/digital sound of the birds/bees (of anything) are there (of course, I expect some of the real birds/insects to come in and live in the garden), real flowers and monitors with the images of flowers are implanted in flower beds.

It would be interesting to see how this digis and plants are working together(?) to make the garden. People--including me--can see how these two different world affect each other. which empowers which, or how they manage to go on, keep living.

this work will be the landscape architecture project that explore the living and the dead (both physical and conceptual) and the natural and the artificial.

I thought about "digital forest" or "digital zoo" but garden is where you rest and be refreshed; where you sit and enjoy. where you invite your friends, neighbor, families to enjoy it together--it's the place where you plan how things will be set up and take care of to do that. it's where the familiar things meet with unfamiliar things, where dead things meet with startling things--it's the place you find things that are surprising from things that you think that you already know. but forest, you don't have to take care of it. if you ever happen to be in, it's the time for certain special occasion. adventure, research, study, etc.

zoo is just...you're not in it. (if you're in it. it would be not pleasing just cause some others are watching you being caged/doing whatever you're doing.)

so I thought the garden is where I want to go.

just a funny picture.
Garden of Eden in 21st century.

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Thursday, October 05, 2006

I would like to combine the idea of optical illusion--the images that our eyes naturally create--and virtual reality.
Creating video work that causes optical illusion to audience's eyes would lead to the interrelationship of physical, imaginary, real, and illusional beings.

The work also depicts the concept of body, senses, art, and experience. Every person participates art with his/her own senses. One can enjoy the art that his/her own body creates.
When this is achieved, I would like to broaden the idea of reality, illusion, and imagination, and add audio into the project to create auditory hallucination and also add something with touching so the audience can experience their sense of touch and its illusion.

My aiming goal for this work would be exploring and questioning the reality and the limitation and the possibility of what we call "real".

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confused eyes ~ video interaction

:let your eyes do the special effects



optical illusion_